
Comparative Postbellum Economic Growth

                                                                                        Hypothesis: Economic expansion in the Pacific Northwest outpaced the former Confederate state of Texas during our nation’s postbellum period, 1865-1900. This question is perhaps best answered via a comparative, statistical analysis encompassing gross domestic product, population changes, and per capita income throughout the selected regions.  Historical Statistics of the United States  and  Output, Employment, and Productivity in the United States after 1800  are the chosen data sources for this analysis.

Hume and Montesquieu: Thoughts on Eighteenth-Century Government

  Hume and Montesquieu: Thoughts on Eighteenth-Century Government

Æthelthryth in Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of England

  Æthelthryth in Bede’s  Ecclesiastical History of England                

Save Those Newspaper Clippings and Photographs!

Save Those Newspaper Clippings and Photographs!

Christianity in the Early Republic, 1800-1848

Constitution Monument by Dell Upton. Christianity in the Early Republic